What is the baseline project management paradigm? This is a question that has been asked several times lately. The reason it is of interest is not because of the content of any specific project management method, but because there is so much confusion about what is project management, what is product development and how the two get intertwined
Here's my short list of project management and product development methods.
Project Management
- Prince 2
- SDP-12
- TenStep
- Project Management Pattern Language
- Lean Construction
- Columbia University PM Methods
- CH2M Hill Project Delivery System
- Evolutionary Project Management
- DOE 413.2
- Office of Construction Management (DoE)
- DOE LANL Graded Project Management
- Oregon Department of HR
- Soft are Program Managers Network
- Integrated Project Management
- State of California System Integration
- Veterans Affairs Project Management
- CalTrans Project Management
- Texas PMO
- Minnesota IT PMO
- Washington PMO Framework
- New York PMO
- Fluor Engineers PM
- Project Management as a Systems Engineering Discipline
- Project Management at NASA
There are numerous paradigms for managing projects in different contexts and business domains. The core processes described in PMBOK are just the tip of the ice berg for many formal processes and informal project management processes. To quote chapter and verse from PMBOK either for or against its content is a bit short sighted - or possibly "small world."