SoftwareTech is magazine from the Data & Analysis Center for Software, US Department of Defense, Rome Air Force Based, Rome, NY. The current edition is focused on Earned Value Management. There is one article on using earned value concepts in agile projects. Charts for Earned Value and Planned Value are used to show how the agile project is progressing. This approach is fairly benign in that it assumes "level of effort" consumption of labor resources, so no S-Curve is needed. The 0/100 percent completion is the right approach for EV, and the fixed periods of performance make it easy to compute the performance indicies.
Paul Solomon has an article on "Applying Earned Value Management to Software Intensive Programs," that describes the more robust used of EV, using his Performance-Based Earned Valuetm (PB-EV) approach. PB-EV is one of the approaches we use in our Deliverables Based Planningsm program management method as it is applied to DoD programs.
This journal is free from DACS.
The other magazine that arrived in the mail today is Defense AT&L. This is published by the Defense Acquisition University. The DAU site has many useful sources for project and program management as well as the "human side" of these activities. This months edition is dedicated to just that "It's About People."