In some organizations project management is seen as an unnecessary overhead or a burden on the business. Looking at the best practices of organizations where project management is the raison d’être can guide our search for best practices in your domain.
Here’s one example of a successful project management approach. There are many others that might be appropriate for IT projects
From “Seven Key Practices of Program and Project Success – A Best Practices Survey,” Vincent J. Bilardo, NASA Glenn Research Center, NASA Project Management Challenge Conference, Galveston Texas, March 21–22, 2006, these practices are:
- Establish a clear and compelling vision
- Secure sustained support “from the top”
- Exercise strong leadership and management
- Facilitate wide open communication
- Develop a strong organization
- Manage risk
- Implement an effective development and integration system
Number 4 appears to be the sweet spot for the PM 2.0, Web 2.0 based tools. The other 6 are left to the skills and experience of the project manager.