One experiment trumps A 1,000 analytical assessments
- Lead Investigator, Department of Energy, Algae Bio Fuels, program
The notion that "books" can tell us what to do, also needs to evidentury materials that the ideas in the books actually result in visible beneficial outcomes. This is the case for all project management and software development processes and methods.
We've moved beyond the point of having the guru's tell us to "follow me grasshopper."
Bookable, tangible evidence that the suggested approach is now needed. This is especially the case for the band wagon of PM 2.0 tools.
I love the quote from Ryan Endres's previous comment here.
PM 2.0 is nothing more then a new communication tool. Will 2.0 help with the 4 area's above? Maybe or maybe not, but it may open up communication to help discuss about them.
This new communication tool has 3 conditional "mays" before we can ask how it improves the probability of success.