When there are discussions around the use of software development methodologies in the absence of a domain and context it seem to lead to disconnects. Case in point is the difference between working at an e-Commerce firm, applying agile as an Agile Leader and working at a mid-tier oil & gas firm deploying Right of Way and Lease management software. Or working at a PayPal or in the same town, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company.
In the absence of a domain and a context inside that domain, the conversation can quickly go off track.
So I'm going to make an effort to start each post with a domain and a context for the content.
I'll start here.
My World View is enterprise IT (big ERP); software intensive systems in aerospace, defense; industrial controls in nuclear and conventional power generation; new drug application systems; embedded systems; insurance (health); flight controls; radar and sonar; heavy construction; government contracting; environmental stewardship (waste management); engineering document management.
Processes for developing software that are certified, assessed or audited by some third party - either the government, a professional organization, an independent agency, or an internal auditor. In general software and the processes that are structured and highly visible to those looking to find trouble.
This colors my experience, creates biases, and restricts my understanding of things like e-Commerce and general web site development.
OK, now you know.