Projects are instruments of strategy that affect needed change and accomplishment business goals - John Goodpasture, in Maximizing Project Value: A Project Managers Guide, Management Concepts, 2013.
Without Project Governance, the business value of the project has no home. Project managers are left to the technocrat activities of managing cost, schedule, and technical performance. These of course are mandatory for success. But business or mission success will be difficult without strategy and governance of the project's processes.
I'm writing a review for John's new book. This is one of those myst read books, not because of the project management information, but because John describes the missing pieces for most enterprise projects. Pieces that would be found on ACAT1 defense procurements. What capabilities do we need for mission success? How will we recognize these capabilities? John bases the discussion of Value, the mystical value produced by agile methods, but rarely is spoken about in tangible units of measure.
The review is coming soon, but wanted to get started in the benefits.