We're preparing for a Webinar on 25 September 2014, now titled Using Techncial Performance to Inform Earned Value, which addresses the disconnect in EAI-748-C between two statement
- Page 2, 5 bullet - Objectively assess accomplishments at the work performance level.
- §3.8 - Earned Value is a direct measurement of the quantity of work accomplished. The quality and technical content of the work performed is controlled by other processes.
Two reconcile these two statement, we need to have a process of informing Earned Value (BCWP) with the Techncial Performance of the products being built. After the Webinar, we'll post the link.
In the mean time here's a list of resources gathered to support this topic.
- Technical Performance Measurement - A Program Manager's Barometer: DCMA Pilots a Modified Approach to TPMs, Mike Ferraro, Program Manager, November-December, 2002
- Technical Performance Measures, Jim Oaks, Rock Botta and Terry Bahill, BAE Systems.
- Technical Measurement: A collaborative Project of PSM, INCOSE, and Industry, Garry Roedker and Cheryl Jone, 27 December 2005, INCOSE-TP-2003-020-01.
- Technical Performance Measurement Earned Value, and Risk Management: Integrated Diagnostic Tool for Program Management, Commander N. D. Pisano, SC, USN, PEO Air SW and Special Mission Programs.
- CPM-500-C/D/E: Integrated Systems Engineering with Earned Value Management, Partick K. Barker, Paul Solomon, November 2009, Alexandria, VA
- CPM-500: Principles of Technical Management, Lesson D: Implementing Technical Performance Measurement, Mike Ferraro, IPMC 2002.
- Technical Performance Measures Module: Space Systems Engineering Version 1.0, NASA.
- Technical Performance Measurement - Systematic Approach for Planning, Integration, and Assessment, Part 1, Kathyyn A. Kulick.
- Technical Performance Measurement - Kinking Technical Performance to Cost and Schedule, Part 2 Kathyyn A. Kulick.
- Technical Performance Measurement - Assessment Techniques and Earned Value Calculation, Part 3, Kathyyn A. Kulick.
- Leading Indicators for Systems Engineering, Sixth Annual NASA Project Management Challange, Dr. Donna H. Rhodes, MIT, Feb 2009.
- The Difficult Problems of Establishing Measures of Effectivenss for Command and Control: A Systems Engineering Perspective, Noel Sproles, Systems Journal, Volume 4, Number 2, 2001.
- Coming to Grips with Measures of Effectiveness, Noel Sproles, Systems Journal, INCOSE 2000.
- Formulating Measures of Effectiveness, Nole Sproles, Systems Engineering Volume 5, Number 4, 2002
- Systems Engineering at NASA: Selected Topics, Jim Andary, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Nov 5, 2009.
- Space and Missile Command, Systems Engineering Primer and Handbook
- NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
- Engineering Complex Systems with Models and Objects,David W. Oliver Timothy P. Kelliher James G. Keegan, Jr., McGraw Hill.
- Engineering Complex Systems, Douglas O. Norman and Michael L. Kuras, The MITRE Corporation
- National Aerospace System - Systems Engieering Manual, FAA
- MITRE Systems Engineering Guide, Collected Wisdom from MITRE's Systems Engineers.