It is common to use the phrase
If we feel pain X. Let's explore solutions? & possibly "Solutions A & B might be a starting point?"
This approach seeks a solution to the symptom not a solution to the problem
This is the false notion used by #NoEstimates advocates, with the conjecture that estimates are the smell of dysfunction. Without stating what the dysfunction is, then makes the statement that Not Estimating will fix it. So in the end nothing is fixed, the dysfunction is not identified, the Root Cause is not identified, and therefore is it not possible to claim Not Estimating will fix anything, for the simple fact that the problem has not been defined. It's a solution - at doubtful solution - looking for an undefined problem to solve. A lose-lose situation.
So don't fall for the fallacy of the smell and most of all don't fall for the fallacy, we're just exploring and I have no recommended solutions.
The only way to provide an effective solution to any problem, is to determine the Root Cause to that problem and confirm that the proposed solution will in fact prevent the problem from recurring. If you want to learn how to do this - and not follow the naive 5 Whys - read this. Then if you're working in a domain that does Root Cause analysis buy the Reality Charting tool. It's saved us from catastrophe several times.