Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there.
— Bruce Lee
Any new innovative or revolutionary suggestion in the software development world, needs to be anchored on the established principles of how to manage the spend of other people's money. If it's your own money, spend as you please - no one cares.
But if you're spending other people's money to produce value in exchange for that money, those providing the money likely have a fiduciary obligation to know something to some level of confidence how much it will cost, when it will be done, and what they'll get for that that cost and time.
To suggest otherwise without a foundation of principles by which this new and innovative idea can be tested is selling snake oil to the uninformed. That approach has worked since the dawn of time - I have the solution to your unnamed ailment, just try this magic elixir and all will be better.