Mike Cottmeyer posted
This is an interesting article that misses the point of what's going on. Companies have too much management because they are poorly architected and not organized around value producing assets. When you don't have sufficient encapsulation, you end up with too much orchestration. Management is not the problem. It's a symptom of the problem. Firing, or redeploying managers, without fixing the underlying organizational issues will fail cause you to faster and harder. The solution is to refactor the organizational architecture, increasing encapsulation, and then redeploy managers as you are able to reduce the need for them.
The root cause of this dysfunction is the lack of line of sight traceability for Why the firm is in business to how the firm fulfills the strategy needed to deliver on that WHY.
Here's one way that has been shown over the years to connect the dots between Why and How and critically importantly, how the projectize the work efforts needed to implement the strategy.