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#NoEstimates is a hashtag for the topic of exploring alternatives for making decisions in software development. That is, ways to make decisions with "No Estimates"
Think about the conjecture. How would you assess a decision in the presence of uncertainty without making an estimate of the outcome of that decision. Since there is not deterministic data available about the future, even though you may have deterministic data from the past. This would mean the future is like the past, there is no uncertainty about the future - either reducible (epistemic) or irreducible (aleatory). No conditions that were in place from the past will be changing in the future. Nothing is going to emerge that you have not accounted for. Nothing is going to change in any attribute, process, or people doing the work..
Such a process defies the principles of microeconomics of decision making. Defies the principles of managerial finance in the presence of uncertainty. Defies the principles of closed loop control systems in the presence of stochastic non-stationary systems.
It simply defies the principles of logic