When we encounter engineering problems that are beyond the de minimis category, they usually involve some form of mathematics. Probability, Statistics, Measurements, Calculus and the like. Here's a collection of downloadable books that can be the resources needed to address these problems.
- Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers
- Introduction to Probability
- Introduction to Statistics
- Modeling of Dynamic Systems
- Probability & Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences
- Simulation Modeling Handbook: A Practical Approach
- Probability Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties
These books and other contain fundamental definitions, rules, and theorems that provide a foundation that renders probability an important tool for evaluating scientific and engineering systems. The evaluations are often in the form of probability computations, as is illustrated in examples and exercises found in the books. Concepts such as independence, conditional probability, Bayes’ rule, and others tend to mesh nicely to solve practical problems in which the bottom line is to produce a probability value.
These books support the principles and practices of managing in the presence of uncertainty, which is found on all engineering and software projects. Without a well-grounded understanding of probability and statistic making decisions in the presence of these uncertainties will be difficult.
As well without a well-grounded understanding of these principles and practices, many are subject to the whims of those selling nonsense to the unsuspecting