A 12.12.18 Fast Company article speaks about outcomes resulting from process and the focus on outcomes actually reducing the probability that the outcomes will appear. I've written about this before in Process is King and Process is King Part 2. Recently there have been opinions that outcomes are what we're after. While of course is correct. But how do we get those outcomes without a credible process to produce them? The Fast Company article suggests - correctly - that outcomes are the natural result of a process.
The author got his raise, ran his marathon, saved 20% of his salary every year by having a process FIRST
When we hear focus on value, or focus on outcomes and don't hear how are you going to get those outcomes, deliver that value it usually means those making those statement actually have no idea. They're just mouthing platitudes they heard somewhere else.
Without a process to deliver the needed value, the probability of that happening is low.