Any effective process must provide the following when searching for the Root Cause of the problem the process is trying to fix OR the Beneficial Outcomes the process is trying to maintain.
The process must ...
- Clearly define the problem and its significance to the problem owners.
- Clear delineate the know causal relationships that combine to cause to problem OR provide a benefit from the process.
- Clearly establish causal relationships between the root cause(s) and the defined problem for the process to solve or the benefit that will result from the process.
- Clearly present the needed evidence used to support the existence of the identified causes or the resulting benefits from the process.
- Clearly explain how the process will prevent the recurrence of a problem or assure continued benefits.
- Clearly document criteria 1 through 5 so others applying the process (corrective or preventive action, or sustainable benefits) can follow the logic of the analysis of the process that corrects or prevents a Root Cause or improves an outcome that benefits the users of the process.