I'm continually building the bibliography for our Software Intensive Systems of Systems work activities and found in "A review of Agile Software Effort Estimation Methods"
It lists Traditional Methods
- Expert Judgement
- Analogy
- Price-to-Win, Bottom-Up, and Top-Up
- Wideband Delphi
- Algorithmic methods
- Source Lines of Code
- Function Point Analysis
- Object Points
- Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO)
Agile methods
- Planning Poker
- Constructive Agile Estimation Algorithm
- AgileMOW
The Fallacy of the Week is, estimates are always wrong, estimates as waste, estimates can't be done in an agile development environment, Story Points ae useless, and a list of other fallacies put forward by #NoEstimates advocates
If you are interested in learning more on how to estimate software development, using agile or traditional methods, while spending other people's money in the presence of uncertainty, here's the Compendium of Estimating Resources