Agilely managing projects start with 7 Critical Success Factors. These are based on Seven Drivers Transforming Government, IBM Center for The Business of Government and used in the course I'm teaching Agilely Managing Projects in the Federal Environment, for Stafford Consulting, McClean VA
- Insight – Using data, evidence and analytics to create insight that influences decision making, actions and results.
- Agility – Adopting new ways for government to operate, using Agile principles and putting user experiences and program results at the forefront.
- Effectiveness – Applying enterprise approaches to achieve better outcomes, operational efficiency and a leaner government.
- Risk – Mitigating risk, managing cybersecurity and building resiliency to meet the mission of government.
- People – Cultivating people; reforming processes for hiring, developing, and retaining workers; and leveraging data and technologies to build the workforce of the future.
- Engagement – Fostering a citizen-driven government through real-time, interactive feedback to engage, co-create, and co-produce services and programs.
- Digital – Optimizing new technology and infrastructure models, focusing on the user experience and incentivizing innovators to modernize how business (and government) does business.